Saturday, November 30, 2019

Opaque and Articulate Design Essay Example

Opaque and Articulate Design Essay Looking at another field of study, industries also affect the society’s sustainability. In a study by Dewick and associates, they analyzed the environmental impacts of the production of yogurt throughout the years. As they have found out, environmental impacts are largely generated from the industrial production of yogurt where waste products and air pollution are included. Nevertheless, no technological advancement has ultimately solved this problem since the process of yogurt production is still the same as the first time it was employed. The authors recommended that new technology should be used to further reduce the environmental impact that yogurt production can cause. The authors believed that for a technological change to happen, it should be accompanied by a social change. It is by accomplishing this dual change that sustainable production can be achieved and thus, resulting to a sustainable community. Products of different industries always have environmental impacts no matter how minute they are. Nevertheless, it is better to assess the negative effects in processing such products. A useful method of obtaining the information needed is the use of environmental life cycle assessment or LCA. In this technique, the authorities try to examine the effects of the product from its birth to its waste disposal after the consumer has used the product well. This can be useful in assessing the sustainability of a community. Nevertheless, the LCA is not perfectly appropriate in evaluating the impact that a product may cause to the environment. We will write a custom essay sample on Opaque and Articulate Design specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Opaque and Articulate Design specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Opaque and Articulate Design specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Self-Assessment Throughout the paper, sustainability has been discussed in detail and its factors in different fields and industries have been tackled. Long journals have been summarized briefly and coherently yet; it would not be enough to just read the paper but journals that were cited as well. A variety of perspectives was employed to explain sustainability and how it will be attained. However, no specific agencies responsible for the implementation of the sustainability design projects were mentioned. It is remarkable that sustainability can have a broad scope of implementation, from the field of arts to industrial science. Academic journals were used in the paper to better communicate the need to initiate sustainable design projects. Nevertheless, it would have been better if the paper have based its arguments on more references rather than the journals listed alone. Sustainability is one way of showing the world that the health of nature matters to us. Sustainable design projects should be initiated and developed to decrease the negative environmental impacts that man’s creations and existence bring. It does not mean that everyone should find a reliable design project to fund such as those discussed; however, everyone is encouraged to formulate little ways to increase society’s sustainability. One does not need to be part of expensive research laboratories to be of help to humanity and the environment. BIBLIOGRAPHY Borgmann, Albert. â€Å"Opaque and Articulate Design†. International Journal of Technology and Design Education 11 (2001): 5-11. Cogdell, Christina. â€Å"Products or Bodies? Streamline Design and Eugenics as Applied Biology†. Design 19, no. 1 (2003): 36-53.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Woolly Rhino (Coelodonta) - Facts and Figures

Woolly Rhino (Coelodonta) - Facts and Figures Name: Woolly Rhino; also known as Coelodonta (Greek for hollow tooth); pronounced SEE-low-DON-tah Habitat: Plains of northern Eurasia Historical Epoch: Pleistocene-Modern (3 million-10,000 years ago) Size and Weight: About 11 feet long and 1,000-2,000 pounds Diet: Grass Distinguishing Characteristics: Moderate size; thick coat of shaggy fur; two horns on head    About the Woolly Rhino (Coelodonta) Coelodonta, better known as the Woolly Rhino, is one of the few Ice Age megafauna mammals to be memorialized in cave paintings (another example is the Auroch, the precursor to modern cattle). This is appropriate, since it was almost certainly hunting by the early Homo sapiens of Eurasia (combined with inexorable climate change and the disappearance of its accustomed food sources) that helped drive Coelodonta into extinction shortly after the last Ice Age. (Clearly the one-ton Woolly Rhino was coveted not only for its copious meat, but for its thick fur pelt, which could clothe an entire village!) Aside from its Woolly Mammoth-like fur coat, the Woolly Rhino was very similar in appearance to modern rhinoceroses, its immediate descendantsthat is, if you overlook this herbivores odd cranial ornamentation, one big, upward-curving horn on the tip of its snout and a smaller one set further up, nearer its eyes. Its believed that the Woolly Rhino used these horns not only as sexual displays (i.e., males with bigger horns were more attractive to females during mating season), but also to clear hard snow away from the Siberian tundra and graze on the tasty grass underneath. One other thing the Woolly Rhino shares in common with the Woolly Mammoth is that numerous individuals have been discovered, intact, in permafrost. In March 2015, headlines were made when a hunter in Siberia stumbled across the well-preserved, five-foot-long, hair-covered corpse of a Woolly Rhino juvenile, later dubbed Sasha. If Russian scientists can recover fragments of DNA from this body, and then combine them with the genome of the still-extant Sumatran Rhino (the closest living descendant of Coelodonta), it may one day be possible to de-extinct this breed and repopulate the Siberian steppes!

Friday, November 22, 2019

Script Writing Tips and Format Example

Script Writing Tips and Format Example Script Writing Tips and Format Example Script Writing Tips and Format Example By Michael If critics tell you that your stories have too much dialogue, maybe you should consider writing scripts. Its different from writing ordinary prose. For one thing, a script is not the finished work of art. Its the blueprint that the director and actors use to create the work of art. The good news about that: your words dont have to carry all the weight. As a playwright, I like the way a stronger actor can make up for my weaker writing. Unfortunately, the reverse is also true. But though a bad actor can completely misinterpret a perfectly clear line, a good actor can bring out the meaning that you were not quite able to express through words alone. Unlike a novel, there will be no great literature unless a character speaks it. An inarticulate man doesnt change just because you have a big noble speech you want him to make. Enter late, leave early. Every writer needs to remove anything that doesnt advance the story, but thats particularly true for scriptwriters. And sometimes you dont realize that a scene doesnt advance the story until you try removing it and discover that it still works. William Goldman, who wrote The Princess Bride and Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid said, â€Å"You always attack a movie scene as late as you possibly can. You always come into the scene at the last possible moment.† In the same way, once youve made your point, dont belabor it. Always leaving them wanting more. Otherwise, they may start wanting less and leaving the theater early. A joke works best when its given no extra emphasis, when all the fat has been trimmed. Alfred Hitchcock told an interviewer in 1960, How does one describe drama? Drama is life with the dull bits cut out. Writing is a balance between saying too much and saying too little. Its a show: show dont tell The visual nature of the screen or stage makes it easier to follow the writers rule of show, dont tell.The rule is harder to follow on radio and podcasts, because they cannot show anything visually. So a scriptwriter must turn to narration, as he might in a book, or to less-than-subtle dialogue: Look out, he has a gun! Early TV hadnt found its sea legs yet as a visual medium, and perhaps depended on narrators more than necessary. But a film or play is more than a book in visual form. In an intriguing novel (nameless here, so I dont ruin it if you havent read it), friendly inhabitants take a mistrustful visitor into their home for the night. As he lies down to sleep, he slowly realizes that maybe his hosts have put on a friendly appearance only to trap him. In the television miniseries adaptation, the exposition depends on the visitor thinking out loud in bed for several minutes as his host listens. It was awkward: What if you plan to spring on me as soon as I realize the danger? Thank you for reminding me. I'll do that now. Maid and butler talk on a do-it-yourself basis, since you dont have to pay a maid or butler. No wonder the novelist found the miniseries just boring. This scene could easily have been adapted more cinematically, showing not telling, based on the novelists own words. INT. HOST'S BEDROOM - NIGHT The CAPTAIN is lying in bed. He glances at his HOST in the other bed. He lifts his head to look again more closely. His host's bedsheet is pulled back, revealing his hand. CLOSE UP - the HOST'S HAND has four fingers, with claws. The Captain carefully rolls back the covers. He slips from bed and walks softly across the room. HOST: (coldly) Where are you going?" CAPTAIN: For a drink of water. HOST: But you're not thirsty. CAPTAIN: Yes, yes, I am. HOST: No, you're not. FOOTSTEPS as the captain tries to run across the room. CAPTAIN (O.S.) He screams twice. SILENCE. The TICKING of an old CLOCK. People dont need to say exactly what they mean. In real life, people dont say, I asked you how you were doing because I wanted you to ask me how I was doing, since I wanted to talk with you so that you would feel comfortable enough with me to say Yes when I asked you out on a date. Real life is more subtle. Behind the text, there is the subtext the thoughts that motivate the character to speak. When a scene has too little subtext or subtlety, people say it is too on the nose. We dont need everything spelled out, and it isnt as much fun. You dont want a mystery writer to spell everything out, do you, except perhaps at the end. We can tell if someone is romantically interested in someone else by the way they say, How are you doing? A script leaves less to the audiences imagination. Many authors make a point not to describe their characters appearance too precisely, to make it easier for diverse readers to relate to the story. But when you see The Hunger Games on the screen, now you know what Katniss Everdeen looks like, and can no longer easily imagine that she looks like you. Unless you happen to look like Jennifer Lawrence. However, the writer can only suggest visual details. He or she cannot mandate that the movie be filmed in New Zealand and co-star Kevin Bacon, much as the writer may visualize the story just that way. Proper format shows professionalism. If you submit your novel to a publisher, and it isnt double-spaced with a one-inch margin (with only one space after a period), you will appear inexperienced and possibly inept, which you dont want to be. But a script has even more complex formatting requirements, with lots of white space, specific indents, and particular capitalization conventions. A script is written in present tense, with no more than two or three lines per paragraph dialogue too. Twist your plot, then twist it again. Sure, publishers would love to get their hands on the Harry Potter of the 2020s but not if its exactly like Harry Potter. They dont want potential readers to say, I already have a book about an Indian boy who spends 227 days in a lifeboat with a Bengal tiger. I dont need another one. You might have come up with that brilliant plot device all on your own, without the inspiration of somebody else, but if it happens to have already been used by somebody else, your chance for a sale just went way down. Ironically, to create a truly original story, you have to become very familiar with other peoples stories, to make sure that yours is sufficiently different from them. Good writing must include the unexpected. So when you come up with one good idea, keep coming up with more. If you dont have enough good ideas, try browsing through the standard plot types. But you can build twists yourself. You could summarize The Silence of the Lambs in a brief logline, as follows: An F.B.I. agent tracks down a serial killer. Other stories have had that same premise. How about adding to it? A young F.B.I. cadet must confide in an incarcerated and manipulative killer to receive his help in catching another serial killer. Now that is getting more interesting. But dont stop yet. A young F.B.I. cadet tracks down an elusive serial killer as she develops his psychological profile, reluctantly confiding in a manipulative psychologist who has been locked up for years after committing a series of similar murders. Instead of an ordinary F.B.I. agent, now there is a particularly vulnerable one, mismatched for the task. Because instead of one murderer, now there are two murderers, both clever, and one is stalking the other from behind bars. Satisfied? With that kind of carefully planning, your script could win an Academy Award, as The Silence of the Lambss script did. The original novel sold 11 million copies. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Fiction Writing category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:36 Adjectives Describing Light50 Types of PropagandaOne Scissor?

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Answer the question Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 31

Answer the question - Essay Example Although I never bothered on this fact, the chapter has created a new perspective on racial superiority as exhibited in the American community. The purported superiority of the Whites is amplified in every way possible regardless of the social or cognitive impact it has o the minority groups (DeMarrais, & LeCompte,  1999). The racial diversity and inequality is socially constructed from a young age with an aim of propagating the traditional concept of White superiority and advantages. Notably, the lack of choice for the Black girls teaches them that they have no right of choice but to accept what the society offers (DeMarrais, & LeCompte,  1999). Accordingly, the same result replicate in education and the labor market as the Black females receive poor pay and work in poor conditions regardless of the academic performance. Therefore, the provision of only one type of toy for the Black girls is a mental colonization to continue racial prejudice and

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Failure or success Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Failure or success - Essay Example Gatto’s opinion on the effects of schooling is extremely intense. In â€Å"Against School†, he stirs up a discussion on whether ‘boredom’ is the perfect term to describe the experience of modern day students. From his personal experience, most students feel bored with the education system and think their teachers do not seem to understand their subjects and probably aren’t interested in learning more (Breton and Largent 25). Gatto brings up the question of who should be blamed for the critical mess in the education system. Ideally, teachers often appear bored and keep blaming their students for feeling disinterested in taking their studies seriously (Breton and Largent 157). He offers a solution to boredom and encourages students to amuse themselves in the classroom. Also, he encourages teachers to provide students with adequate education rather than stirring regular schooling. Gatto also scrutinizes whether the existing school system is meant to spearhead forced schooling. He goes ahead to compare the school system to the Prussian culture and refers to it as an educational system that is meant to nurture mediocre intellects. With such an educational system, students are denied the opportunity to develop appreciable leadership skills. Also, he states that most people connect ‘successes to ‘schooling’. According to him, important people like Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and Thomas Jefferson never subjected their lives to the strenuous schooling system, but still made it in life (Breton and Largent 241). In addition, Gatto believes that schools were designed to make good citizens at their personal best. Gatto thinks that the public school system is designed to fulfill the major covert functions of a school. He outlines the covert functions by revisiting Alexander Inglis’s basic functions of a modern school.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Ethnic Diversity Essay Example for Free

Ethnic Diversity Essay 2. Discuss the effect that modernization has had on ethnic identification and ethnic conflict. The effect modernization has had on ethnic identification and ethnic conflict is not a great one. Early modernization theorists, who were quite optimistic about the positive effects of literacy, urbanization, and modern values, clearly underestimated the extent to which these factors might mobilize various ethnic groups and set them against each other (Handelman, 2011, p. 113). Modernization challenged traditional religious, national, and tribal identities by undercutting traditional ethnic practices and values. A huge part of current modernization is globalization, which pose an even greater challenge. The long-term effect of the expanding â€Å"world culture† advanced by globalization are not entirely clear (Handelman, 2011, p. 114). Globalized culture can create a backlash and increase tensions between neighboring communities as not everyone can ethically identify with each other. 3. What are some reasons that might explain why major civil strife related to ethnicity has declined in the last 10-15 years? Some reasons that might explain why major civil strife related to ethnicity has declined in the last 10-15 years are statecraft, constitutional arrangements and external intervention. In addition, the transition to a democratic government has aided in the decline. Faced with common critical environmental, social and economic matters for the previous 10 to 15 years, different ethnic groups came to what socialist have called a culture of accommodation. Accommodation is the practice which contradictory groups make a mindful attempt to make working arrangements with in them which then suspend the conflict and make their relations more acceptable and reduce wasteful energy.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Different Lives of Jake Barnes and Brett Ashley in The Sun Also Ris

In the novel The Sun Also Rises we read about two characters that seem to depend on each other. Ernest Hemingway writes this story ingeniously to show how these two characters are intertwined with one another. One character can't get away from the other because of the friendship they share. We have to look at the lives of Jake Barnes and Brett Ashley from both points of view to understand how they are complicated. Brett Ashley was a different type of lady. She drinks all the time and enjoys the company of men. When she feels unhappy she drinks more. Hemingway's character the count said, "Let's enjoy a little more of this," Brett pushed her glass forward. The count poured very carefully. "There, my dear. Now you enjoy that slowly, and then you can get drunk" (Hemingway 66). She does not work because she is always depending on men to pay for everything. She always depends on Jake to save her when she runs into trouble. The only good that came from Brett was that she didn't take any money from Mike when she left with Pedro. The other time she was good is when she...

Monday, November 11, 2019

History in Africa Before Europeans Essay

There are many examples of great societies in Africa that have documented history and have had very advanced societies for their time. There are three societies in particular whose progressive communities have shattered these Aryan model claims of Roper. Great Zimbabwe, Ancient Ghana, and the nations of the Nile Valley have all shown that they have a proper history that is well documented before the arrival of Europeans, thus impeding on the Aryan model that had been used when first coming to Africa. It is important to understand theories of history to understand why Roper’s statement of Africa having little history before Europeans is wrong. The Aryan model, states that Caucasians are the top of the hierarchy of humans and black people or Africans are the lowest. This model proved to the early Europeans that certain African groups could not have been black because they were advanced and civilized cultures. Vasant states that â€Å"The concept of race†¦was in the 19th and 20th centuries held to be the key not merely to the abilities of a person or group, but an index to the character and potentials of that particular physical type, for all generations past, present and future† (Vasant Kaiwar, â€Å"Racism and the Writing of History, Part I,† 1989. Pg. 33). It is more plausible to refer to ancient theory, which states that essentially that Greeks recognized that their roots were in Africa. This model believes that Greece was settled about 1500 B. C. E. by the Egyptians and Phoenicians. The Greeks’ mathematics, governmental system, language, philosophy, writing and religion were all borrowed from African and Semitic sources. By this model this essay should prove that the Aryan model of thought will be invalid. Great Zimbabwe had a very rich history before any influence of Europeans. There are two theories of the descendants of them, one being that they were part of the Karanga, a branch of the Shona-speaking people. Another is the may be descended from a community that lived less than a hundred miles away from Great Zimbabwe (Story of Africa, Great Zimbabwe). The Great Zimbabwe was prosperous iron-age society and had a wealth generated from cattle. This nation spread from the Limpopo River to the Zambezi. This was a massive area, spilling out into Botswana, Mozambique and northern South Africa. The most famous stone building in southern Africa was made there that is still standing. â€Å"The Great Zimbabwe monument is built out of granite which is the parent rock of the region. The building method used was dry-stone walling, demanding a high level of masonry expertise. Some of the site is built round natural rock formations. The actual structure comprises a huge enclosing wall some 20 meters high† (Great Zimbabwe). Throughout this structure there is circular passageways with enclosures for royalty. Many objects are found throughout the structure, which include: battle axes, gold, and shrines. The Great Zimbabwe was an agrarian society; this put all notions of the Aryan model down since it was thought that all Africans were hunter-gatherer societies. The Great Zimbabwe biggest wealth source was cattle and was the center of an international and national commercial system (Great Zimbabwe). This trade network encompassed most of Africa as well as western parts of India, and as far as China. Ancient Ghana is another example of a society with a documented history before the European era. They were a nation stacked with gold and literary and bookkeeping skills. The Ancient Ghanaians are theorized to be descendants of a cluster of groups from modern Senegal who came together under a leader of semi-divine status. The Ancient Ghanaians had stuck with their traditional faith before some converting to Muslim and others believing a variation of both. Traditionally a virgin would be sacrificed to the Black snake, Bida. This was until a man who was engaged to the intended victim rescued her and Bida took vengeance on the region by causing a terrible drought (Story of Africa, Ancient Ghana). The reason this is important is because up until the 12th century Ancient Ghana had an abundance of goats, sheep, and cows. After that only goats were common. This is an important part to understanding that Ancient Ghana does have its own history before Europeans because it is documented that this ritual sacrifice happened and that the ancient Ghanaians were a society that had grew from merely hunters and gathers to a trading agrarian society. The Ancient Ghanaians also made most of their wealth from gold. â€Å"Al-Hamdani, describes Ghana as having the richest gold mines on earth. These were situated at Bambuk, on the upper Senegal River. The Soninke also sold slaves, salt and copper, in exchange for textiles, beads and finished goods† (Ancient Ghana, GhanaHomePage). The Ancient Ghanaians were mining for gold much before the European intervention and creating a small empire from this trade and most importantly creating a history of its own without European involvement. This leads into the final society and without a doubt has it’s own history without Europeans. This society is Ancient Egypt. Egypt has a long standing history and such an advanced society that Europeans would not believe that they were descendants of Africa. Many Europeans believed that they were descendants of the lost city of Atlantis. Europeans complimented this theory by saying that Egyptian’s skin was light brown as opposed to the rest of Africa with very dark skin. This was accepted until hieroglyphics were found of ruler named Piye who was a very dark skinned African from Numbia. â€Å"On a relief in the temple at the Nubian capital of Napata, only Piye’s legs remain. We are left with a single physical detail of the man—namely, that his skin was dark† (Robert Draper, â€Å"Black Pharaohs,† 2008. Pg. 1). Hieroglyphics are one of the earliest forms of writing in the world. They were used to record crop numbers, stories of the past, or the level of the Nile River. They were also used to inscribe prayer and record the feats and lineages of ruling families (The Story of Africa, The Nile Valley). This disproves Roper’s statement of Africa not having a history before Europeans were involved in Africa because hieroglyphics were recorded and to this day still remain. Ancient Egypt had a very spiritual society made up of polytheistic gods. Many of the temples and pyramids were dedicated to these gods and some of them reaching up to 146. 5 meters in height. This was the tallest building for thousands of years, which made it hard for Europeans to believe that Africans could have built such magnificent structures that are now considered one of the wonders of the world. â€Å"The construction of such buildings showed the Egyptians had an outstanding grasp of the principles of astronomy, mathematics and geometry† (Story of Africa, The Nile Valley). Modern Egyptologist are coming up with new theories that are challenging the notion that the pyramids were built by slaves rather than labourers. Zahir Hawass who is the director of the Pyramids believes that â€Å"fewer than 25 thousand labourers were involved and that far from being slaves they were peasants who were well cared for and proud to take part in a ‘national project’, out of love and respect for their Pharaoh and his divine authority† (Hawass, Nile Valley). This is also a notion of how European intervention has tried to use Egypt’s advancements against them, believing that the rulers were slave drivers rather than kings ruling over a kingdom. In conclusion, it is clear that Hugh Trevor-Roper’s statement about Africa not having a history of its own before Europe arrived is false. There were countless societies and kingdoms in Africa that were advanced for his Aryan model of thinking. These societies were not hunter-gatherer societies but mostly agrarian. These kingdoms mined for gold and traded cattle. Significant events were recorded in certain scribes or hieroglyphics thus telling their own history before the invasion of Europeans. The Great Zimbabwe, Ancient Ghana, and Ancient Egypt are all great examples, but only three, of kingdoms in Africa that made their own history without European intervention. Bibliography 1. Ancient Ghana. (n. d. ). Ghana HomePage, resource for News, Sports, Facts, Opinions, Business and Entertainment. Retrieved April 9, 2012, from http://www. ghanaweb. com/GhanaHomePage/history/ancient_ghana. hp 2. BBC World Service | The Story of Africa. (n. d. ). BBC – Homepage. Retrieved April 10, 2012, from http://www. bbc. co. uk/worldservice/specials/1624_story_of_africa/index. shtml 3. Robert Draper, â€Å"Black Pharaohs,† National Geographic Magazine (February 2008) 4. Reynolds, J. T. , & Gilbert, E. (2004). Africa in world history. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Educational. 5. Vasant Kaiwar, â€Å"Racism and the Writing of History, Part I, † Comparative Studies of Asia, Africa and the Middle East 9, 2(1989): 32-56.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

1967 Six Day War Essay

Assess the consequences of the 1967 (Six Day) War for Arab–Israeli relations On the 23rd May 1967, the Israelis declared war on the Arabs due to the blocking of the straits to Israeli shipping. The 1967 Six Day War had a major impact on Arab-Israeli relations. This is due to Israel gaining control over the occupied territories, large increases of Jewish settlement in the occupied territories, the increase of Israeli military in the Middle East. The Israeli occupation of Arab territories had a large impact on Arab-Israeli relations. Through the dominancy of the Israeli army during the Six Day War, they were able to capture the Sinai Peninsula, the Gaza Strip from Egypt, East Jerusalem, the West Bank from Jordon and the Golan Heights from Syria. In addition, Israel controlled the Sharm el-Sheik and the Gulf of Aqaba. This was significant as Israel stopped Jordanian ships from entering the Red Sea and closed the Gulf of Aqaba to Arab shipping increasing the tensions between Israel and its neighbouring Arab States. In November 1967, UN Resolution 242 called for ‘the withdrawal of Israeli armed forces from the territories occupied in the recent conflict’ and the right of all countries ‘to live in peace with secure and recognised boundaries’. Even though, UN Resolution 242 favoured both parties, the Arabs did not regain their territories as Israel debated the resolution did not specify the withdrawal from all territories and they claimed that the Occupied Territories were vital to its security. However, Israel did emphasis the second measure of the resolution claiming their right to exist, but the Arabs ignored it implying that Israel would first have to withdraw from the occupied territories. By both Arabs and Israelis not accepting UN resolution 242 and the continual Israeli control over the occupied territories, the tension between Arab-Israeli relations had increased. Also, the large increases of Jewish settlement into the Occupied Territories had a major impact on Arab-Israeli relations. Between 1975 -1977, Israel had made 75 settlements in the West Bank as they offered people cheap housing and necessities such as employment and appliances. The Gaza Strip contained approximately 300,000 Arabs and the Israelis had settled 3000 Jews in the area creating tension between Arabs and Israelis as evident through the ‘Intifada’ from 1987 to 1993 which killed thousands of people. By Israel creating large settlements in the Occupied Territories, it would be an obvious obstacle to any future peace negotiations over withdrawal from the Occupied Territories. The large group of Jewish immigrants also produced conflict in the Occupied Territories creating hardship for the Israeli Army as they continually had to stop violent raids. The Arabs argue that Jewish settlements should not occur in the Occupied Territories as it was Arab land; however the Jews argue that this land religiously belonged to them as through the biblical names of the West Bank, â€Å"Judea† and â€Å"Samaria†. By Israel increasing Jewish settlements in the Occupied Territories, the Arab-Israeli relations had deteriorated as it was now difficult to organise a Jewish withdrawal. Furthermore, the increase in the Israeli reputation and the decrease in military strength of the Arabs heavily impacted Arab-Israeli relations. On the 5th June 1967, the Israelis launched a pre-emptive strike on the Arabs as 180 Israeli warplanes attacked the airfields of Egypt, Syria and Jordon destroying 400 military planes ultimately deciding the fate of the Six Day War. There is a general agreement amongst historians â€Å"that although Israel struck first, this pre-emptive strike was defensive in nature†. As a consequence of the war, 12,000 Arabs had died with only 338 Israeli casualties. Historian Avner Cohen writes, â€Å"In the end Israel launched a pre-emptive aerial attack in which most of the Egyptian air force was destroyed, virtually deciding the Six Day War. Through Israel’s dominance they were regarded as the ‘strongest military power in the Middle East’. Also, the Arabs had become severely weakened as a result of the Six Day War, as they had lost a high amount of casualties and the relations between Syria, Jordon and Egypt declined as evident through Syria not accepting UN Resolution 242 while Egypt and Jordon did. Through Israel’s superiority, their relations with Egypt had improved as highlighted through Egypt recognising Israel as a state in 1979. Nevertheless, Israel’s dominancy also stresses its improvement in its relations with Jordan signing a peace treaty in 1994, and Iran signing a peace treaty in 1979. Even though, certain relations improved the Arabs would turn to terrorism and the Israeli army would be seen as the aggressor. By Israel dominating the Six Day War and establishing itself as the ‘strongest military power in the Middle East, its relations with other Arab countries had dramatically improved. In conclusion, the 1967 Six Day War had a major impact on Arab-Israeli relations. Due to Israel gaining control over the occupied territories and increasing its settlement, the Arab-Israeli relations had declined as the Arabs were livid that Israel would not withdraw from the Occupied Territories and further complicate the situation by increasing Jewish settlement. Also, the Israeli’s had become maddened as most Arab countries continued not to recognise Israel as a state. However, as the reputation of the Israelis became high and the military strength of the Arabs declined, Arab-Israeli relations improved as evident through the peace treaties of Jordan, Egypt and Iran.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Overview of Marlinspike Seamanship

Overview of Marlinspike Seamanship Over the past four hundred years, the lines and rigging aboard a vessel were the literal and figurative engines of commerce. Today the lines and wires we use require new techniques and now the term marlinspike seamanship encompasses many more materials. On most vessels lines still, play an important part in everyday operations. Every sailor must be able to tie some simple knots like a Bowline or Hitch and many old salts will tell you that you should be able to tie several knots with one hand in the dark. Thats not a joke; think about it. There is a lot of large gauges twisted line out there and thats the material for many knots and splices. We also need to work with a smaller braided line and cord in housekeeping situations. There can be plenty of downtime on a ship so knotwork can also become a profitable pastime if the work is fine enough for sale. The ability to rework a common base material into useful forms is valuable if it is for commerce or to replace a lost item in short order. Items like fenders can be made that are much more useful and attractive than inflatable fenders. A rope fender will never deflate, pop, or crack like an inflatable. So marlinspike seamanship itself can take many forms. Although many discount quality knotwork as a decorative skill or not useful in the modern industry there are plenty of vessels out there with plenty of durable and cheap knotwork. There are a few basic functions that all seafarers should know. Care of Ropes and Lines This is super basic but not everyone knows how quickly lack of care will destroy rope. The rope should be kept clean and dry at all times and if used in dirty or wet conditions, which is all the time on a ship, it needs to be cleaned before storage. In the time of natural fibers, the enemy was gritty dirt and sand that worked its way deep into the twist where it cut small fibers one by one. Today that is also an issue but add oil and grease to the problem when talking about synthetic ropes. Splices and Ends Making lines shorter and longer is an essential rope working skill. Splices let you join two ends semi-permanently by weaving the fibers back and forth until they intertwine and bind tight. Management of cut ends is also important to minimize loss from unraveling. This can be accomplished with a dip which is like heavy paint or by whipping the rope ends. Whipping consists of winding the waxed thread around a rope end to hold it together. Synthetic ropes can be cut cleanly and sealed at the same time with a heated electric cutting knife. Knots are important too and knowing many knots is valuable knowledge when you arrive on a new vessel. Sailors have exchanged knots since the beginning and an unseen knot is very valuable when only one sailor knows its construction. Learning Knots and Splices There are many ways to learn to knot these days. There are books that will teach you a hundred common knots and you can even get knot-tying lessons on your smartphone. The best book by far on the subject is Ashleys Book of Knots. Mr. Ashely was a young boy on the Northeast coast of the U.S. as whaling was fading and petroleum started to flow. The book was written in the 1940s but it tells a little story and some history with each of its 4000 knots, splices, and other amazing items. The diagrams take some concentration to follow but the somewhat narrative story gives first-hand knowledge of a huge range of historic ship operations and knotwork in the past several hundred years. Many of the knots and other items in the book are still surprisingly useful and every ship library should have at least one copy.

Monday, November 4, 2019

An Analysis of the Characters of Liliana Heckers Short Story The Stolen Party

An Analysis of the Characters of Liliana Hecker's Short Story The Stolen Party The characters in the short story, The Stolen Party demonstrate striking differences in their values and beliefs. Each character displays unique traits. It is these unique traits, which illustrate different aspects of society. Each character then, represents a portion of the values and beliefs of todays society. Rosaura is the main character of this writing. The story revolves around her from start to finish. Rosaura is an inexperienced young girl. This story opens with an argument between Rosaura and her mother. Rosaura wants to go to Lucianas birthday party. Luciana is in a wealthy family so Rosauras mother disapproves of her daughters attending the party. In the first few sentences the author makes it evident that Rosaura is financially challenged. Rosauras mother says, I dont like you going because it is a rich peoples party. This one sentence already tells me that they are probably not very wealthy. In addition Rosaura is an inexperienced young girl. She is not tarnished by the belief that everyone should be judged according to his or her financial worth. She, unlike her mother, judges people by who they are and not by how much money they have. When Rosauras mother states, you should not fart higher than your own ass she shows that she feels below those who are wealthy. Rosauras argum ent shows that she does not feel bound by her financial status. Her financial state isnt even an issue to her. She says that she wants to go because she is a friend of Luciana and because she was invited. The author also demonstrates Rosauras openness in the first few paragraphs of the story. Since Rosaura is only nine years old she has no prior experience of prejudice. She does not realize that her mother might be right about her assumption that not everyone will accept her at the party and treat her with the same respect. The author begins the story by demonstrating how much Rosauras mother loathes the rich. Her disapproval of her daughters attending the birthday party, expresses some hidden anger and maybe even jealousy towards those who are wealthy. Rosauras mother feels lower than Luceanas family. She feels that a persons financial status determines whom a person can associate with. The author eventually reveals that Rosauras mother is a maid. Because her job does not pay very high wages she feels inferior to Lucianas family. Her feelings of hostility toward the wealthy might come from years of prejudice. Rosauras mother constantly feels bound by her financial situation. Rosauras mother does not want her daughter going to the party because she is the daughter of humble maid. She feels that her daughter will not be looked upon as an equal, no matter what. Rosauras mother states, That ones not your friend. You know what you are to them? The maids daughter, thats what. But no matter how strongly Ros auras mother feels about this, she is willing to let her daughter go to the party. This demonstrates the unconditional love she has for her daughter. There are some characters in this story that are not developed as well as Rosaura and her mother. One of these characters is Luciana. Luciana is very similar to Rosaura in that she sees everyone as an equal. She does not consider Rosaura to be different from any of her other friends. She never considers Rosauras financial situation to be important. She treats Rosaura like all of her other friends. Another character, which is not covered in depth, is Lucianas cousin. She is brought into this story through an argument with Rosaura. Lucianas cousin doesnt know Rosaura but she feels inclined to start an argument with her anyway. Lucianas cousin begins to question Rosaura. She questions the fact that Rosaura is a friend of Luciana. Lucianas cousin seems to think that she is better than Rosaura. This shows the reader the first clues that Rosauras mother could have been right about wealthy people not accepting Rosaura. Another character that is only introduced briefly is the magician. The author does not get into his personality or values but it is made clear that he sees all of the children as equal. The last character that is introduced is Senora Ines. Once again the author does not develop her in depth. The author places her in the story in order to demonstrate the prejudice, which Rosauras mother had described. Senora Ines offers Rosaura money at the end of the party rather than a small gift. This demonstrates to Rosaura that she is, in fact, looked upon as being different from the other children. Each character in this story demonstrates an aspect of society today. Rosaura signifies the unsuspecting poor child. She represents the fact that a person usually does not develop stereotypes until they have experienced many of the aspects of life. Rosauras mother is placed in the story to illustrate another fact about todays society. Rosauras mother demonstrates that society influences the way a person thinks. She shows that from years of experience she has developed a pattern of stereotyping wealthy people. Luciana represents the wealthy part of society that does not see less fortunate people as being different. She, like Rosaura, does not stereotype people because of their financial worth. Lucianas cousin, on the other hand, demonstrates that part of the wealthy population that feels superior to the financially challenged. The magician in this story represents someone like a priest or a charity worker. He sees all of the kids at the party as equals. He is willing to let any of t hem participate in his magic. Senora Ines plays the part of society that feels obligated to offer charity to those who are less fortunate. The author not only writes a very interesting story but also provides an important message regarding society. People are too concerned with money in todays society. If we could all remain innocent (such as Rosaura and Luciana) and never become prejudice towards others the world would be a better place. Everyone would be judged according to who they are and not by what they posses.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Quality improvement in long term care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Quality improvement in long term care - Essay Example 40% of the residents require assistance with feeding. The high numbers of non-ambulatory patients put this facility put it among only 10% in the state. On May 10, 2004 the facility was investigated for a complaint which resulted in a substandard quality of care under Quality Indicator number 4, a prevalence of depression symptoms that also include two of the following; negative comments from residents, agitation or withdrawal, unpleasant mode upon waking, suicidal, weight loss or recurring thoughts of death. I choose the number 4 Quality Indicator for Emotional/Behavior Patterns due to its effect on quality of life. It may also be the end result of the other deficiencies at the facility, which included a high percentage of indwelling catheters, excessive amounts of medications and lack of assistance with personal care. The Quality Indicators for Emotional/Behavior Patterns of agitation and suicide could be signs of overdose of antidepressant medications. Sadness and withdrawal might be symptoms of depression as well as thoughts of death or weight loss, which needs to be treated. Depression encompasses both physical and mental health and can alter the responsiveness to nutritional and physical therapy as well as medical treatments. This deficiency has a potential for more than minimal harm. As per guidelines of the American Medical Directors Associ... Blood tests should include a chemistry profile, complete blood count, serum levels for anticonvulsant or tricyclic antidepressants, thyroid test or other levels pertaining to the individual in question. Before addressing pharmacogenesis of depression, however, consider another factor: Depression in the older adult if often more difficult to diagnose than in younger people. One reason is a prevailing misconception within general society, and even with the professional community, that older adults are supposed to be depressed, that it a natural part of getting older. In fact, an older adult's functional status, or level of impairment thereof, is often more influential than mere aging in shaping a person's mood. The residents of nursing homes usually have significant levels of debilitation, often arising from numerous chronic conditions. The complex nature of these conditions often frustrates physicians and treatment staff, often leading residents to have a sense of sadness or depression. (Garavaglia, 2006) If psychological testing and laboratory testing demonstrate that the resident is in need of psychiatric services, medical treatment or a medication adjustment and those measures lead to improvement, then the nursing staff needs to monitor the behavior and attitudes of the resident to prevent any digression or reaction to prescribed medications. If the depression does not appear to have a physical cause then assessment of the resident's environment and quality of life is the next step. Nursing should ask a few questions to determine the Quality of Care Improvement Plan. Is the resident capable of doing more personal care for himself, but needs clothes laid out or some other measure to maintain some independence If the resident is